Monday, July 16, 2007

How to Search Rapidshare Files using Google

Few days back we talked about searching Google for Torrents. Using the same method you can search files on Rapidshare server too

Just go to and punch “” followed by:
“inurl:pdf” for Ebooks in PDF Format
“inurl:aviwmvmpgnva” for Movies
“inurl:mp3oggwma” for Audio Files
“inurl:exe” for executable application
“inurl:ziprar7ziptar” for RAR, ZIP, 7ZIP or TAR compressed archieve
If your searching for Google Earth in ZIP format, then you must search for “ inurl:zip google earth” (obviously without the quotes)
Similarly if your searching for XYZ video, then it should be something like “ nurl:aviwmvmpgnva XYZ”

1 comment:

Gen said...

there is a newest site specialized in search rapidshare / megaupload files: