Friday, February 16, 2007

What will happen to the potter boy?

What may happen to the potter boy in the forthcoming book i.e HP and the deathly hallows?He will definitely return to his uncle's house as the wish of Dumbledore.He will on the run to catch that Snape and Voldy!His friends have already approved that they will be on his side(friends:Ron and Hermione).As Rowling said two important charecters would die it is quite simple that Ron and Hermione will die as Voldy has killed all the one's who were with Harry like
his parents,Sirius Black,Albus Dumbledore.In this book we may also find the truth about Snape and also about R.A.B who stole the horcrux.My guessing is that Harry may return to Hogwarts though he said he would not as there lies the portrait of Dumbledore which would guide him in ways.So you better be counting the days for the release of the book.

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