Friday, February 16, 2007



Entering a caverous dimly lighted room.A boy saw a man laughing heartily,standing on a dais infront of an old archway.The man was unshaven and had long black hair,he was wearing black robes.The boy named,Harry Potter started moving towards the man.He hardly took two steps when a jet of red light hit the man on chest.The man fell back into the archway,behind the veil,which fluttered for a moment as through in a high wind but then fell back into place again."NOOOOO!"yelled Harry Potter,waking up.Harry was sweating and panting for air.He looked around and realised it was just a dream and fell back on his pillow.It was not the first time he saw this dream.Since he returned to Privit Drive,he had been having the same dream,vision of Sirius's death,His godfather.He sat upright and poured water in his glass.His heart was beating fast.He couldn't understand why he was having these dreams.Harry got up and opened his window for some fresh air.It was still dark out,he could see the pale moon.Harry thought about telling his bestfriend,Ron and Hermione about these dreams as he sat on his bed but something stopped him.He did not wanted to discuss Sirius's death with them.The last time he saw them was at Kingscross.Harry asked them not to right to him as he wanted as less trouble in his last visit to Dursleys as possible.It was almost more then one week Harry was at his aunt and uncles place.He had to fulfill his promise to Dumbledore and visit the Dursley for a last time.So that the spell Dumbledore put on Harry,for his safetly still be there till he turns seventeen.Harry dearly missed Dumbledore at the moment.Dumbledore's death was a fresh feeling within him.It wasnt even a month before.Everytime Harry thought of that night,he remembered Snape and a rage of anger rise within,more deep than the sorrow.If Dumbledore would have had been here,he would have had been able to help Harry ragarding these dreams.
He knew it was the last night he was staying with the Dursleys and then he'll be leaving them forever.He was going to turn seventeen tomorrow.Harry had no idea where would he live once he leaves the Dursleys but he felt happy to get out of Privet Drive atlast.He knew he had to go to the Burrow one more time before going on his long journey.It was Bill and Fluer's wedding this summer.Harry looked forward to it more than anythng.Harry heard a clicking voice and turned around to see a tiny gray owl fluttered,coming in his room.The owl dropped a letter on his lap and started hooting happily."Ssssshhhh",hushed Harry,opening the letter.It was Ginny's letter.It was her fifth letter.Dear Harry,How are you doing?we all are fine.I know you told me in your previous two letters that you don't want to continue with our relationship.I can understand and I am not forcing you into anything.I am just writing to you as a friend.I hope you don't mind that.I had to inform you that tomorrow night at 11 Lupin will come to take you.I hope the muggles arn't treating you badly.Please take care of yourself Harry.No matter what you say I'll always love you.GinnyP.S:did you buy any dress for Bill's wedding?Harry pocketed the letter and felt guilty.He broke up with Ginny on Dumbledore's funeral.He couldnt risk any more deaths,not specially of anyone he loved,It was enough already,his parents,godfather and now Dumbledore have all died saving him.Ginny have to understand,Harry thought.He knew Voldemort will go to any lenght to kill Harry,and Ginny was the least person he wanted to get hurt.

Harry took a quill and a piece of parchment and quickly wrote.Dear Hermione,hope you all are fine.I am fine too.Any progress on R.A.B?HarryHe quickly attached the piece of parchment to the owl,named Pig's leg and threw it outside his window.As Harry turned around he heard another clicking voice.He looked back at the window and saw a dark gray huge owl.It came in and dropped the black parcel in was carrying on Harry's best and went back.Harry looked at the parcl for a moment but did not opened it.It wasnt save.Yawning he threw the parcel on his trunk and slept again.The next day passed really quickly.The Dursleys pretended he wasnt there.It was a relief.Harry packed all his belongings in afternoon.He went to living room to tell the Dursleys he would be leaving tonight,forever.All three of the Dursleys were sitting on the couch watching television.They took no notice of him as he entered."Uncle Vernon",said Harry softly."What do you want boy?"replied Uncle Vernon still keeping his eyes on television."I'll be going tonight..",he said,"forever",added Harry waiting for a reply.Uncle Vernon just grunted and said nothing.Harry had nothing else to say and went back to his room.After a while Aunt Petunia came in Harry's room."Harry",said Aunt Petunia in a tone Harry never heard,It was different from the one she always used while talking to him."Yes?"answered Harry in amuzment.What happened then,took few long moments for Harry to take it in.Aunt Petunia came forth and hugged Harry,and seemed to be fighting back tears.She kissed Harry on his forehead and let go of him.

11/7/06 "I have been a horrible aunt in past all these years",she said looking at Harry,who found himself flabberbusted."I am so sorry,I always treated you badly,I was always so jealous of Lily and when you came to us,i couldn't help",she continued closing the door behind her,"I never hated you but was afraid what would have Vernon said if-",she paused,as if lost in deep thoughts,"You were always a part of our family and I never really thought you would go someday but now that time is here and i can't help but feel ashamed for all those horrible years i gave you,my sister would never forgive me but deep inside i loved her alot",cried Aunt Petunia."Its okay Aunt Petunia",a strange voice said,it was completely different from Harry's own,"You gave me a home,where i could live",said Harry not knowing what to say.He had a sinking feeling in his stomach.At this Aunt Petunia started crying.Harry quickly put a sympethitc hand on her shoulder."ohhh Harry,please forgive me-"began Aunt Petunia but was cut by voices downstairs and quickly dried her face and gave Harry a box and left him.Harry simply stared at the door for a couple of minutes before look at the box.He opened it and found a good amount of money and few photographs.It was of Harry's parents.Harry looked at his mother and father waving at him.There was another thing in the box.It was a Time Turner.Before Harry could even touch it door bell rang.Harry knew it must be Lupin.Quickly He went downstairs and for sure it was Lupin companied by few other member of Phenix.Looking at Harry they all smiled.Harry smiled back.

Sorry to disturb you at this time but we won't take long",explained Tonks to Uncle Vernon,who had his eyes on Mad-Eye."Good to see you boy",scrowled Moody."How are you doing Harry?",a girls voice said,Harry was surprised to see Hermione there at the door beaming at him."How-What are you doing here",asked Harry."Come to get you,is your trunk ready?"she asked and motioned Harry to go to his room.Harry and Hermione went to his room.Hermione just jerked her wand and everythng seemed to come in place and ready.Harry remembered Hermione was off age now and could do magic out of school and he noticed she was really good in non-verbel spells now."Shall we?"she asked moving Harry's trunk in air.When they went downstairs again.Harry saw Lupin and Mad-Eye talking to his Uncle and Aunt.As he came towards them,they bid goodbye to them and looked at Harry."How are we going?"asked a confused Harry.He knew it wasn't save to fly,floo powder wasnt save now as voldemort was back.It wasn't legal to make a portkey and Harry did not take his apparation test so he couldn't apparate."We'll apparate,its the safest way",answered Mad-Eye."But i-",began Harry but Hermione interpted him,"I'll help you,you just have to hold on to my hand tightly",said Hermione.Harry knew what to do.He had already apparated along side with Dumbledore.Harry turned to his Aunt and Uncle."Goodbye!",said Harry with a smile,Aunt Petunia noded at Harry behind Uncle Vernon and tears filled her eyes."'Bye",scrowled Uncle Vernon still eyeing Mad-Eye.Harry took Hermione's hand tightly and noded."On the count of three.ONE,TWO..THREE!"yelled Mad-Eye holding on to Harry's Trunk.Tonks was holding Harry's firebolt.Harry had the same sensation as when he apparated with Dumbledore .


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